The runescape combat pure character that who focuses primarily on battle centered skills, to become a good strong damage dealer. The main purpose of a combat pure is to become strong enough to engage in PVP or players versus players combat, and therefore be known as a PKer (player killer) or simply PvPer.
There are 4 builds for a main Runescape combat pure char: warriors (melee), archers (range), magicians (magic/runes), and hybrids.
The majority of Runescape combat pure accounts are warriors, because not only can do they do a lot of damage, but they are able to tank a lot as well. They are very expensive since not only do you need to spend money on powerful weapons, but you need to purchase expensive armor.
The very next most common Runescape combat pures are archers. Archers use ranged longbow-sand crossbows that deal heavy damage from a longer range. The main purpose of an archer is to kill the target from far away distance before it can reach you. This is because Archers are very weak and easily out damaged in melee fighting. In addition, because archers are pretty much dead if thetarget can get in melee range, archers spend the majority of their money on expensive bows rather than armor.
Starting a melee Guide
Step 1: Training your Magic Skills
By any chance if you have money, then you should start by getting 55 Magic. High Alchemy (Level 55) is the level that allows for the cheapest and easiest way to get to the Magic levels up that really matter for PKing battle. You will notice that when you are pure and if you train Magic, you should not use combat Magic spells, because they give HP that you don't really need. You get HP from melee training. Here is the order and the number of spells you have to cast, from level 1 to level 55 Magic:
- Cast 32 Wind Strikes
- Cast 92 Confuses
- Cast 125 Weaken Spells
- Cast 134 Curse Spells
- Cast 201 Varrock Teleports
- Cast 310 Lumbridge Teleports
- Cast 726 Falador Teleports
- Cast 1,896 Camelot Teleport
- Cast 32 Wind Strikes
- Cast 91 Confuses
- Cast 131 Weaken Spells
- Cast 1,985 Curse Spells
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